Shell the out islands north of Captiva ,Cayo Costa North Captiva and the many sandbars all along the coast from on the beach. Miles of undeveloped beach to shell,most days the surf is gentle with very little wave action,perfect for wading for shells or for small children swimming ,Snorkel equipment is always on the boat and can be used any time. There are rock reefs close to shore that hold fish and crab's,shells can be found around the rocks, snorkeling is a efficient and fun way to find shells. Sightseeing along the way to the shelling beaches gives opportunity to see many different kinds of wildlife and can be seen up close if you wish to stop. Lunch trips can be combined with shell,sightseeing,or fishing there are several restaurants that can be reached only by boat and are popular stops for boaters, many people will pack picnics for the beach. There is always ice in a large cooler on the boat usually does not prevent travel the bay it provides protection from wind or surf and can be traveled most days days |
Live shells are returned to the water unharmed |